How do you Define Great Leadership? – Expert Talks

Great Leadership Qualities

To become a LEADER definitely means one should be multi-talented including research ability. Leadership can be attained by guiding other individuals in a right path and motivating them towards a right goal. To give you more information, we have come up with some extraordinary thoughts from experts in the industry. You can also check experts talking about Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Cloud Computing. You can also submit your thoughts and opinions here.

How do you define Great Leadership? – Digital Magazine

How do you define Great Leadership?

Thoughts from Industry Experts

James Gingerich

James Gingerich

Great leadership requires vision first and foremost. Like Wayne Gretzky stated, the ability to determine where the puck is going to be and position yourself accordingly separates you from those who merely chase the puck. In corporate leadership you need the ability to see where your industry is headed and then motivate everyone at your firm to be optimally positioned to take advantage of the opportunity.
Like a good field general, you need to position each and every individual in a situation that both challenges them and provides them a personal opportunity to grow and be successful. Your human assets are your most valuable assets bar none. Your ability to develop this talent pool while executing according to plan will determine your operational success.

Janet Schijns

Leadership is not a trait or a skill – it is a quality.  That quality is comprised of both art and science.  True leadership empowers a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal and feel good about the work and the achievement.  That empowerment takes time, investment in people, and a keen understanding of both the challenges and opportunities ahead and the history behind the team.
Great leaders do the right things and help others do the right things as well, strengthening the team’s morale fiber at every turn.  Great leaders make decisions using the information at hand to act swiftly and with purpose.  They create a direction, build an exciting vision, provide the tools and resources to get the job done and ultimately produce something motivating for the team to focus on. Great leaders use technology and the innovation it provides to help their teams and is never held back by the phrase “we can’t do that”.  These great leaders win because they understand that their job is about creating the map of the winning journey and letting the team take the trip – as a result, they are respected and even beloved by the teams that benefit from their efforts.
Tony Moroney

Tony Moroney

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams.
For me, this captures the essence of great leadership: being able to, and prepared to, inspire others to achieve great things.
Great leaders invariably have a clear vision, are courageous, have integrity and are humble. They have a clear sense of purpose and with this, an ability to engage hearts and minds.
They also recognise their limitations and surround themselves with diverse, often more capable people, who collectively challenge the “status quo.”
In summation, great leaders create a sense of why and with this, a unifying cause!


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